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Welcome to CiteMaker! This site is designed to help you quickly prepare an entire bibliography or reference list in three simple steps:
1. Select your citation style by clicking one of the buttons above.
2. Automatically or manually create your citations after selecting a citation style.
3. Save or export your reference list to your paper. It’s that easy!
Whether you’re beginning your research or tidying up your paper the night before it’s due, CiteMaker is here for you - anywhere, anytime, online!
Our forms and automatic citation generation tools will guide you through the process and alert you of what information is needed. This means less guessing for you and more accurate citations! Nearly any information source you can think of is supported by CiteMaker, in APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA and Oxford styles. As you create citations, each will appear in alphabetical order. In-text citations are also created for you.
When you’ve finished your reference list, copy and paste it into your paper or export it to email, MS Word, Google Docs, or PDF. If you register to use CiteMaker, you will be able to save as many reference lists as you want and retrieve them when required.
How do you create a citation in Chicago 17th edition style?
In Chicago 17th edition style, citations are typically comprised of two parts: footnotes and a bibliography.
The above text was generated using OpenAI. As you can see there are no acknowledged sources for the information contained. This is why you need to use CiteMaker Best in Class Referencing generator when writing your assignments.